Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A little more back story (not that anyone asked)

Having kids has improved the taxonomy skills of the ole' grey matter. So, say, for instance when thoughts of unpleasant school meetings spring to mind, instead of being routed to the formaldehyde pickle jar labeled "important and interesting current events to keep up front", this thought is immediately routed to the pickle jar labeled "unidentifiable yucky stuff back of fridge forever".

I appreciate this memory upgrade most of the time- as it helps me stay focused on the REALLY important stuff- like, "what time is pick-up today?" and "can that dude from Western Pest be serious with that quote???" So, I started this blog as a gentle reminder that I did open my big trap about my feelings of malaise and that I did have a meeting with three really hard-working teachers and one caring principal. (honk twice if you want me to post my letter/agenda from the meeting).

But I wound up leaving feeling bad. It became crystal clear that this is the curriculum for the next seven (7) years. And that it will be used. And that it is my choice to figure it out. My bigger more "global" questions, like, "what long-term data supports this curriculum to adequately prepare students for college (or high school! or middle school!) in a global setting"
and "what criterion was used to choose this program over the other math programs approved by the state of California for use" (I believe EM was rejected the two previous times it was submitted to this state for approval) have been referred to the School District Education Specialist. I did decline her invitation to schedule a time for a meeting, but I did ask for written data. And so I wait.

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