Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Occupy Novel

I can't blog and write at the same time.

178 pages of first-time novel have been my own Occupy Tract House. Actually, Occupy waistline, Occupy bank account, Occupy spouse.

Of course it's a children's book! I've been writing, silly! For months! Blogging, not so much.

Groundhog Day

Is it possible to be back once again to third grade everyday math?
Wasn't I just kvetching about this?
My first grader is now in third grade!

BUT what is different now, is, that sneaky Harcourt is creeping back in. Folders of yesteryear are being emptied of math mimeos...and used!
"Fidelity to the Program" has been replaced by "Some of my old materials cover it better."

Partial sums kiss my patout! Latice method turn into lettuce!
I feel better. Not perfect, but better. I get a do-over.

On another note, is it highly suspect that Microsoft is opening their first brick and mortar? So Apple and Microsoft, biggest purveyors of the internet and doing all business online have actual you-get-to-walk-in-and-touch stores. Retail stores. Ironic? I think that seems too soft and fuzzy. Really, tell me, is it just me?